have both love and hate for these things. aesthetic as lifestyle... to do things and act in ways that fit with aesthetic. these can be really lovely, but think with how social media and trends work now, this can also go horrible.

before this, no one would see room, know music taste, or get peek in closet unless show on purpose.
now seem people link up spotify with everything to show world what listen and when, share every detail about what keep in closet and how decorate home, record videos in camera, and so much more. you do you, this not about if that "bad".
but, combine this hyper connect, hyper share with aesthetic as lifestyle, and now people can not do anything not "in line" if want still fit.
on other hand, that also means miss out on or on purpose ignore things which not make pretty picture.

so start get people who collect and buy things for picture-worthy aesthetic value, but not really want for self. or people who curate and listen to small music library that exclude what really love. or people who buy materials again and again for aesthetic hobbies that not actually make happy.
all while ignore parts that again, not all so pretty. mud and bugs and rot, animals that get diseases, messy cupboards, messy lives. people cherish this aesthetic vision over what they really have in life.

to some degree of course understand, but not as if different, more aesthetic life that easy - even if make for all those nice pictures.
love rural life, but also have so many drawbacks. force live slow and just put up with whatever happen.
even if that means broken window no one can come fix.
even if that means beloved pet die before able reach emergency vet.
even if that means 3 days without electricity, food, and running water in absolute. dead. winter.

nothing wrong with enjoy aesthetic life channels. nothing even wrong with really want do things and have things that "fit" aesthetic. beauty is comfort, after all - when we truly love things around us and feel joy in beautiful acts, even worst days can feel little lighter.
just frustrate that with social media now, people only see and share what "beautiful enough" and ignore everything else, or abandon what make happy so no one think their perfect image broken.