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The Large Blue butterfly is a species of carnivorous butterfly, and went extinct in Britain in 1979. It has since been reintroduced with new conservation methods.

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quiz result, druid. you are one of nature's own. you are as in touch with everything around you as you are with yourself. you realise your powers are not your own, but that of your environment. the people who call you a tree hugger are just jealous of your power. no, really.

quiz result, togetic. you are kind-hearted and sympathetic with a natural desire to help others in need. you have a tendency to act on impulse without thinking first, but your impulses tend to be good. most people like you.
raised by faeries
this user is nonhuman
you are a sprite. you are playful and enjoy showing others how to enjoy the simplicities of life. some might say you've a short attention span, but- hey, there's a butterfly!
i'm a dryad! i don't just live in the forest, i am the forest. now don't litter. what kind of creature are you? take the quiz at
question: are you a nice human? answer: i'm not human
quiz result, sakura miku. you're pretty on the outside, and most definitely sweet on the inside. you have a really positive outlook on life, even spreading positivity by wearing bright colours everywhere you go. you're really a sweetheart, and people love you for that.
fern stamp rainy stamp starry hands stamp the last unicorn stamp black cats bring good luck