faery language

just like not one universal human language, not one universal faery language.
as well, in faery realms, have more possibility can tune into - wind, bird song, pure feeling and thought. some can talk for hours without ever use word.
even faery languages with words can have very different ideas and ways understand: to some, knowledge and memory is possession, so ask to "know" also means that ask to "have."

as such, many find human language both fun and annoy. can not always understand when literal or not, because not have same culture and ways understand. on other side, this can make us hyper literal when talk, even in wordplay.

things that human would gloss over can easy be lie in faery eyes, or have accidental different meaning... and consequence. more on that here. daffodil divider

wordplay vs. lies

many faery value wordplay, clever bargains. even if can lie, more fun and reward get clever.
some faery appreciate human who use wordplay back, try outsmart. some do not.

but most faery not appreciate when people lie.
how dare you take artful display of wit. and make flimsy sham in return. anyone can say sky green. only someone with strong wit can make you really believe sky green.

line between these can be thin.
wordplay mean give truths in way to lead target with wrong answer.
lie do not think about if those truths important. maybe there some truth, and maybe there some wit or skill on display. some faery might forgive lie if can make fun, but do not count on this. if want make out from trade, deal, or danger in one piece. do not lie. daffodil divider

"thank you"

generally, "thank you" offend faery. can be different reasons not like this word.
some which hear: and more. but can not be here forever.
even before understand faery self. turn away from this word.
why not enough that show happy with how stim? why need try box big happy feelings into word too small and rigid? never understand.
but force self say over time, because that "right" thing do. can not be happy personal way, need right way.
well. no more.

so. what say instead? that really depend. some thoughts: